
June 2019

Článek od
, 10. July, 2019 |

Those who know me well know that my optimism, perseverance and determination do not know the end.

The skis are stored for the summer… I've been spinning for three months between going to the hospital, sewing bras to build up a stock and taking trips to walk the highline.

After half a year I am finally getting to sew the first pilot dresses and tank tops.

I learn to give myself space and well-being when I am crazy with despair.

I enjoy feeling from the sentence “can I help you with something Evička”?

I look forward to the planned summer events!

And I firmly believe that everything I have been doing for you for the last six months every day will fulfill its purpose.

That you will be happy! And bras will serve you in a comfortable and great service.

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